Founded in 1999, Quantum Capital Management, LLC is a private, value-oriented investment management company.
The firm’s mission is to compound capital over complete market cycles, at greater than market rates of return. We manage funds exclusively for institutional and accredited investors.
Risk avoidance is critical. Quantum defines risk as the permanent impairment of capital. The price-to-value equation is integral to the expected return profile of the portfolio and the margin of safety enjoyed by the fund and strategies. Quantum managers evaluate investments through rigorous primary research and a ten-year, fundamentally oriented perspective.
The managers favor growing companies with understandable and sustainable economics. While the investment process is grounded in the time-tested, price-to-value dynamic espoused by the late Benjamin Graham, the investment methodology is more closely associated with Graham disciple Warren E. Buffett. Incumbent competitive advantage, as inspired by Columbia University professor Bruce C. Greenwald, best defines the managers’ approach to assessing the durability and sustainability of superior business enterprises.
Quantum managers invest the majority of their personal wealth in the Quantum funds and strategies.

Quantum Funds and Strategies
The QSV SMid-Cap Equity™ Strategy is a deeply researched and focused domestic equity strategy. We invest primarily in small and mid-capitalization companies. Our strategy is designed to complement an overall asset allocation construct and generate excess returns over complete market cycles. We focus on growing companies which enjoy the favorable attributes of incumbent competitive advantages and talented and vested management teams who have both the inclination and the ability to reinvest incremental earnings at high compounded rates of return. A total-return-yield based position size discipline provides ballast during periods when market prices depart from intrinsic value. The median market capitalization of portfolio holdings has historically fallen between $2B and $25B.
In addition, we advise The Quantum Strategic Value Fund L.P., a private, value driven equity fund. We also manage the Quantum Balanced Strategy, primarily on a legacy basis, in separate accounts for individual and institutional investors, employing the same value driven approach to equity selection.
Quantum Capital Management, LLC (“QCM”) was founded in 1999 to manage capital for institutional and individual investors on a discretionary basis. The firm manages funds in separate accounts, structured primarily for institutions, endowments and family offices, in the QSV SMid-Cap Equity™ strategy. Firm affiliate, Quantum Capital Advisors, LLC, serves as advisor to the QSV SMid-Cap Equity™ strategy and the Quantum Strategic Value Fund, LP, a value driven equity fund.